Are you struggling with a loss that still has you stuck in the past?
Maybe you are holding onto a broken relationship. Maybe you recently experienced the sudden loss of a family member to death or estrangement. Maybe you are grieving a parent who is still living.
Grief takes many forms and has many faces. Often time, grief keeps people frozen in their emotions, preventing them from feeling joy and present.
If you're grieving someone who is still living, maybe you have said to yourself:
Clients in session with me often describe being triggered by a look, smells, sounds that keep them stuck in their difficult and distressing emotions. Clients will often share that they may still get annoyed, frustrated, or fed up with their present reality in the wake of the loss. Clients may be ambivalent about the process of grief, not knowing how to let go and move on, but being just as confused about the anguish of sulking in the loss.
My clients are not dumb! They may be acutely aware about how their emotions may keeping themselves in a dark place. Many may feel as though they have no real good reason to revisit the past. And yet, they might go back and forth between missing someone and despising the fact that they miss someone. Some days may feel like genuine progress. While others may feel as a complete setback. At the end of the day, they may kick themselves for holding out hope for people that continue to disappoint. Grief is messy. And humans are simply not immune to the highs and lows of grief!
Perhaps you can relate. Whether it be a breakup or some other loss, you can finally get unstuck from the chokehold of grief! Sometimes it takes a little bit of help. Someone like me, Lan Nguyen, LCSW, can help you along in this complicated journey of grief and loss.
Reach out to schedule online with me today. Not sure? Try booking a FREE 15-minute phone consultation with me to explore your concerns. I can help you finally safely feel tthe emotions you need to feel in order to eventually access the healing you deserve.
Are you ready to take the first step towards a better life, a healed life? Are you finally tired of bouncing back and forth between the highs and lows of loss?
While grief may often not have an expiration date, grief is not forever!
Contact me today to schedule a free phone consultation!